

Bike map

Cycle map and route-planner: shows bike routes, hills, NCN, cafés and pubs. Export as PDF or GPX.

How to Create a Bicycling Route with Google Maps

2020年9月7日 — But riding an electric bike is not the same as driving. In this blog post, we tell you how to create a bicycling route with Google Maps.


Discover, plan and share your bike routes with your friends and a tremendous community of cycling enthusiasts. - Bikemap.

Bikemap: Bike Navigation & GPS

The best route planner for safe cycling. Discover new bicycle routes and navigate easily and safely to your destination with the best bike navigator and ...

Bikemap: Cycling Tracker & GPS

The best route planner for safe cycling with GPS. Discover new bike routes and navigate easily to your destination with the best bike navigator and cycling ...

About the Bike Route Planner

The First Choice in Bike Route Planning. Our free route planner will enable you to create perfect routes. Get turn-by-turn directions, waypoints, and custom ...

Cycle Route Planner

Plan, find and share your perfect tracks. Create your first bicycle route with Bikemap - it's free!

Bicycle tracks, Route Planner, Bike Computer App

Bikemap is the world's biggest bike route collection. Find your perfect cycling route, create your own bike trails, and discover the most stunning cycling ...

The best route planner for cycling and hiking

The world's most powerful outdoor route planner for planning perfect cycling, hiking, walking, MTB and running routes.